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Barnes and Noble Customer Service Phone Number

Barnes and Noble Customer Service

Contact Information

Phone Numbers
Customer Service: 1-800-843-2665
International: 1-201-559-3882
Member Services: 1-866-238-7323
Barnes and Noble Mastercard: 1-866-520-8192

Monday - Friday, 8 am to 11 pm ET Saturday & Sunday, 9 am to 11 pm ET

122 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10011

Social Media
Twitter @Nook_Care

Live Person Hint
Press 0 for a Live Representative


  1. I have had the worst experience while using your online ordering . I placed an order and a credit card authorization was obtained for my total order. To only find out you bill for every separate shipping . So not only do you obtain an authorization for the full order , you then charge the card at shipping per shipment , to then release the original authorization 5 days later !!! Does Barnes and Noble not think that a customer would like to know that a temporary authorization is being placed on a credit card and won't be released for 5 days after the order date? As a customer this process causes a lot of confusion , when looking at your bank account and seeing 3 different transaction from Barnes and Noble !! Calling your customer service was even worse , the first person I spoke with was not able to provide me with any information , after 30 mins of getting no where with her I asked for a manager. Once the manager was on the line she spoke to me repeatedly as if I was ignorant and didn't understand the shipping process !!! The shipping process was never the issue , the issue was with the original authorization ! After speaking with her I had to contact my bank and my bank did a 3 way call and it wasn't until the bank representative spoke with the account office that I was able to get an answer on my concern of multiple transaction being made on my account for my ONE order ! As a manager working in retail , it was very offensive to be spoken down to as if I dint understand !! It's not what you say but in the manner you say it. I clearly understand the difference of an authorization and an actual charge . All I need to know was that the original authorization was going to be released. As a customer looking at a bank statement I thought I was being charged 3 times. I will never use your online ordering again due to the horrible customer service I received !


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